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Review: West to Oregon with Ollie Ox!

Posted by Orilla on 24th March and posted in Reviews

west to oregon with ollieLoved Ollie from the very start. He is very sweet, kind, loves his family and even when things got tough he kept on going. This story begins in Hannibal, Missouri when Ollie’s family, Mr. & Mrs. Tyler; their son Johnny and his dog Max head for Oregon. You will love the pictures throughout the book. This book will be enjoyed by all ages but it is also a good book to use for the beginner readers. It is 519 pages long but full history and the trials of what it was like for those traveling. It shows how hard sometimes it is to leave things you love behind to make it to the goal. I recommend it to everyone!

This book was written  by Melanie Richardson Dundy. I give this book 5 stars. You don’t want to miss out on this awesome book. Get your copy at for only $4.99. Also, check out the special website at

Review by Orilla Crider

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